(You can either right-click or use your browser's download icon. Step 2: Save to your computer or mobile device.

Step 1: Click on any image to open it at full resolution. You can easily download any and all backgrounds below. Virtual Backgrounds Zoom Zoom Virtual Backgrounds Browse our curated list from around the Web. Whether you dress as a Star Wars character is entirely up to you. Choose from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back's Hoth (wampa-free, thankfully), the ruins of the Death Star, and many, many more. They are categorized into memes, funny, movie caps, landscapes and videos. If you're home and catching up with friends, talking with family, or an an important work video call, you can now do so appearing as if you're somewhere in a galaxy far, far away. offers more than 30 free virtual backgrounds to use on Zoom. is excited to present a galaxy of virtual Star Wars backgrounds that you can use in any online meeting. Download XAPK (23.0 MB) How to install XAPK / APK file. Have an upcoming video call? Don't dial-in from your living room - send your transmission from the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Go to More Info to know all the languages Filters for Zoom Meeting supports. Take your video conferences anywhere from Tatooine to the Resistance base.