The hyper-violent gore was novel, but it also was one of the first game to feel like an “adult” experience. Admittedly, the early Mortal Kombat games have been long-since surpassed in terms of gameplay, but at the time they were something special. The original Mortal Kombat made waves because of its gruesome and theretofore unseen levels of violence, but the second installment made waves because it was a damn good fighting game. There are also a lot of great Nintendo titles included in Digital Trends’ ranking of the top 50 best video games of all time. If you’re diving into Nintendo history, you should also check out our round-ups of the best games for Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, Gamecube, Wii and Switch.

To highlight some of these missing classics, we have compiled a list of some of the best games the SNES had to offer. The system brings back fond memories for lots of players, but because it was so long ago, some of our favorites have been lost to time. The system offered now-classic games and follow-ups to some of the best NES games with Mortal Kombat, Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, and, of course, some of the best Mario games. Given the time of the system’s release, the SNES gave us a groundbreaking chance to play video games at home relatively inexpensively. Nintendo sold out of the system of the initial shipment of 300,000 systems within hours, making it one of the most successful console launches in history. When the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) launched, it was an instant success following some of the legendary Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).